Fall Clean-Up Checklist

Fall is a time to take stock of your garden, clean up any debris that has accumulated, and then take the proper precautions to ensure your plants survive a sometimes treacherous winter (especially here in Maine!). While the work varies from garden-to-garden, here's a brief list of some of the more important tasks to take into consideration during the autumn:

  • Weed the garden before seeds drop and create problems next year.
  • Stake young trees to prevent wind damage.
  • Prune shrub roses when they go dormant.
  • Cut perennials back to 3-4".
  • Pull annuals when plants cease blooming or are dead from frost.
  • Clean up plant debris from beds and borders.
  • Take down trellises to clean and store for next season.
  • Spread manure or compost on the garden to promote stable soil temperatures and avoid a freezing and thawing cycle.
  • Harvest and appropriately store vegetables before the first frost.
  • Empty clay pots and bring them indoors to avoid winter cracking.
  • Update your plant performance records.

Estabrook's has all the tools you'll need to make this season's fall cleanup a synch! From rakes to bags and compost to stakes, our full service garden center is here to meet your needs. Visit us today!