Caring for Venus Flytraps

One of the most notorious yet mysterious plants available, Venus Flytraps are carnivorous plants that live off the bugs that they trap in their open "jaws".

This means that you don't have to worry about providing them with plant food or spray them for bugs - they'll do all the work for you!

How Do They Catch Bugs?

When a bug crawls inside the jaws of a Venus Flytrap, it will rub up against the hairs inside. This triggers the jaws to close, trapping the bug inside. The plant will then digest the bug, which will provide it with essential nutrients.

They can go long periods (1-2 months) without eating anything, so don't worry if it doesn't seem like your Venus Flytrap is catching anything. They might just be digesting!

How Do I Plant Them?

Venus Flytraps are native to boggy areas, so they love moisture. Plant them in moist, acidic soil - we recommend sphagnum moss or peat moss. They also like lots of light (but not full sun) and to stay warm. While traditionally a houseplant, they can be placed outdoors in the hot summer under the right conditions, but make sure to bring them inside if temperatures start to get cold.

They're also a great choice to grow inside of a terrarium. Just remember that if you choose a closed-top terrarium, you'll have to provide the (live!) bugs yourself.

What Kind of Ongoing Care Do They Need?

Not much! As we've talked about, Venus Flytraps do most of the work for themselves. However, if any of the tips get brown, simply cut them off to allow the plant to grow new ones.

Venus Flytraps also appreciate a period of winter dormancy. Once the leaves die back (and the plant appears dead) place it in a spot that hovers between 35-50 degrees. This will allow it to rest and "rise from the grave" to thrive yet again in the spring.