Selecting Sedum
By Kerry Ann Mendez
The demand for low-maintenance, drought-tolerant plants that provide three (if not four seasons!) of interest has generated a surge of new Sedum cultivars that are taking center stage. Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is probably the most well-known Sedum, BUT its "king of the hill" status is about to be toppled.
Upright Sedum
Sedums can roughly be divided into three groups: creeping, mounding and upright. All do best in full sun and are extremely drought and heat tolerant. Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is in the upright group, which are usually 18" or taller with straight, vertical stems. Some striking varieties are 'Autumn Fire', 'Night Embers', 'Carl' and 'Munstead Dark Red'. These are just a smattering of the many varieties we carry at Estabrook's.
Mounded Sedum
Mounded Sedums are just what the common name suggests - they are mounded and usually top out at 8". The SunSparklers series, introduced by Chris Hanson, is extremely popular. At last count there were six introduced varieties in this series. Estabrook's carries 'Dazzleberry', 'Firecracker', and 'Lime Zinger'. We also have MANY other eye-catching choices in this group. Mounded Sedums are workhorses in rock gardens, on slopes and in the front of garden beds.
Creeping Sedum
Finally there are creeping Sedum. These low, ground-hugging plants will spread at different rates depending on the variety. Some of the best known cultivars are 'Angelina', 'Fuldaglut' and 'John Creech'. Some newer show-offs are 'Coral Carpet', 'Steel The Show' and 'Chocolate Ball'.
Estabrook's has plenty of Sedums to choose from but inventory can quickly dwindle, especially on the newer varieties, so shop early!