Shady Combos for Year Round Interest
By Kerry Ann Mendez
I previously wrote about combinations for year-round color in sunny locations. Now let's check out some dazzling shade choices to create a four-season work of art.
Combine one (or more) from each category for endless color and contrast.
Evergreen Perennials
1. Coral Bells - Any cultivar would be a super choice, however I have a soft spot for purple leaved gems like 'Forever Purple'
2. Sedge such as 'Evercolor Everest' and 'Evercolor Everlime'
3. Lenten Rose, especially those with variegated/mottled leaves
Colorful Bark, Stems, Structure and/or Berries
1. Kerria (bright green winter stems)
2. Kousa and Pagoda Dogwood (interesting structure, flowers and berries)
Conifers, Evergreens or Deciduous Shrubs
1. Russion Cypress, Yew
2. Large-leaved Rhododendron, Leucothoe and Mountain Laurel
3. Bigleaf Hydrangea (macrophylla), Mountain (serrata) and Smooth (arborescens) Hydrangea
4. Boxwood, Euonymus
Estabrook's has all of the above, as well as more colorful specimens, to make your shade areas glow!