Hosta Planting Guide
Available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and styles it's no wonder that hostas are so popular. A versatile plant that grows well in shaded locations, hostas will provide interest in a garden location that doesn't get much sun. However, we should mention that they do prefer some morning sun, so deep, all-day shade may not be the best choice.
Follow these other simple planting tips to enjoy your hostas for many years to come.
Soil Preparation
A rich, organic soil is preferred when planting your hostas. This is easily achieved through the addition of a treatment of compost, manure or other organic compound. The pH of the soil should be somewhere around 6.5 or 7.5, which is a moderate amount of both acid and alkaline. When digging your hole, a large, wide hole is best since hosta roots tend to spread horizontally - one and a half times the expected spread of the plant and about a foot deep should suffice in most cases.
After removing the plant from its container, make sure to loosen and untangle the root system. Some hostas may have become pot-bound, but simply tapping the sides of the pots should release it. Place the hosta into the ground at the same level it grew in the pot, where the leaves meet the root system. Fill in around with your organically amended soil and water well to establish.
Several options are available, including liquid, granular and extended release types of fertilizer so its ultimately up to the gardener to decide which they're most comfortable using. A balanced granular fertilizer (10-10-10 or 5-10-5 for example) can be applied several times a season while a liquid can be used every 7 to 10 days. In each case the fertilizer itself should be consulted for optimal application.
Like any plant, watering is critical for a steady, continual growth and encouraging the overall health of the plant. We encourage our customers to water their plants 2-3 times a week even during rainy conditions and this holds for hostas as well. Signs that your hosta may not be getting enough water include burned leaf tips and drooping foliage.